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Gen Z Should Focus on The Temple Not Celebrities

End Time Prophecy For Gen Alpha


Nebuchadnezzar ushered in the era of The Gentiles when he evacuated Judah. The Time of the Gentiles referred to the period between the reign of Nebuchadnezzar over the Jews until Jesus, a Jew regains the throne of David. While, it sounds deep and rather far-fetched from contemporary 2024 events where we celebrate who was more naked between Beyonce and Megan Thee Stallion at the VMA awards, the revolutionary call in modern Israel to brave the return of the Holy sacrifice on The Temple Mount as a reaction to the Hezebollah war demanding a two-state solution should not panic those who care. It creates the opportunity to understand the timeline of End Time prophecy and how to respond to it in modern times. The key being the mention of the return to The Temple in Zion.

Gen alpha_Jesus

The Gen Z club is rapidly maturing and giving way to the Gen Alpha whom they have refused to prepare for the influence of the spiritual plane on world affairs. Gen Z themselves know very little about spirituality and have watered down many of the belief systems of their ancestors. This lack of knowledge or deliberate ignorance is not an excuse from the consequences of the clock that continues to tick towards the government of the antiChrist. The spirit of the times draws many away from Biblical truths through distractions and has led many astray as they look up to celebrities who are equally confused, unlearned and apparently uncaring.

Lessons to learn from Hailey Baldwin are deep and immense. I do not know where her temerity comes from but I chose to study her faith when she openly expressed joy that Justin Bieber finally came home as a strength of her trust in God. Her baby boy revelation of 2024 was so much joyful testimony of the fact that celebrities also go through tough times, but the strength of faith has yielded testimonies that defy science, technology and human intellect. Faith is a subject in the spiritual realm.

The Babylonian Emperor, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream revealed to him in golden royal tones of a ruler (Daniel 2). The same revelation was given to Daniel to stimulate encouragement among the oppressed people, the Jews and give them hope following their punishment (Daniel 7). These dreams of more than about 3,000 years ago continue to run human existence today with traceable historical reality. They guide us into understanding the clock of time including when the Jews return to the dialogue about the Temple as a sign of the imminent second advent of Christ, when He will rule from the throne of David.

Daniel may not have known about The Church but he knew that there were gaps in his understanding as he pointed out. God told him like he told others including Paul and John of Patmos, that certain events are deliberately prevented from their knowledge because of their humanity. The Church of Jesus Christ was beyond the grasp of Daniel in his dreams but Apostle Paul clearly exposes that mystery that perturbed the earlier prophets. Essentially, be wary of empty distractions of celebrities but find out the spiritual guidance that powers current events.

What revelations may we be talking about? Dreams are one of the ways God talks to humans. It is a vehicle through which He communicates what has been set up in the spiritual plane. Just like one will pick up a phone in Brazil and call a friend in Boston or Beirut, or one can jump on a jet from London to Chicago or Mexico, there exists a level of existence of spiritual beings who are not only interacting with each other but also touching the affairs of human beings.

How else can we explain a Jacob who slept hale and hearty but woke up with a permanent limp from a dream (Genesis 32:24-32)? The revelations from that dream originate from the nation of Israel which has become the focus of the world today since that time and centuries later. His final words continue to explain so much (Genesis 49). Knowledge of the supernatural becomes important in these last days, not just by psychics to help one interpret but a power available to everyone keen of understanding.

Power carries the ability to influence men. In the 21st Century, we are not looking up to Late Queen Elizaeth, King Charles, Putin or President Biden as role models Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, and Late Princess Diana have overtaken that space. To the contrary, these dreams and revelations tell us that Israel, Jerusalem and The Temple in that order is what humanity should be monitoring for spiritual guidance concerning the timelines of history.

Man must accept the inscrutability of God in order to extract principles relevant and unique to the individual for godly living. The same revelations that were given to the uncircumcised nebuchadnezzar were shown to Daniel from different angles. Yet, we are able to decode their meaning because the man of God took time to study them to make sense of the spiritual symbols encoded in the dreams.Three thousand years on, and the prophecies continue to create accurate physical events of historical significance.

Just as emperors were pace-setters looked on to by society, celebrities compete in terms of followership and hence their social influence in human affairs. People want to dress like them, speak like them and believe what they believe because an apparently successful faith system helped them and followers want the same. They copy them while prophets of God are derided for being unfashionable at best.

The Dreams of Kingdoms, their Powers and Relevance

We look at these dreams not simply from the perspectives of the two characters, that is, the emperor and the captive but also how God had revealed human history in prophecy. In addition, we may be able to highlight the relevance of the dreams and their interpretation to contemporary living.

Essentially, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream where he saw God’s mapped timeline for the world as a human statue with different incompatible parts and make up (Daniel 2). A head of gold, a chest of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron and feet of iron mixed with clay. Certainly, he understood that these metals represent certain spiritual explanations and their declining value from head to toe carried some meanings.

We do not know exactly what conversations transpired in the dreams but that he refused to divulge the dream while demanding that others should not only go into his head, reproduce the dream and its interpretation remains suspicious. There remain parts of the dream that we are not told about yet, I believe it was set up by God to elevate Daniel for a future of explaining prophecy as a spiritual method of communicating with men.

Probably, if a less believable Daniel had simply had those revelations and told us about them, people may not have taken them as seriously as we do today. However, the man of the moment, practically the most important celebrity of the time, the emperor of the world was challenged by the same insight from God that he orchestrated Nebchadnezzar to share the same message.

Later, Daniel was given the same timeline prophecy with a different type of imagery that when interpreted points to similar actors who with benefit of hindsight have concluded their roles in the script of time (Daniel 7). This gives us the understanding that these visions contain the timeline of world history in prophecy. Daniel saw Babylon as a lion rather than a head of gold. He was shown Medo-Persia as a bear rather than as a heart of silver.

Nebuchadnezzar's bronze was replaced with a leopard to represent the reign of Greece. The difficult to identify ferocious beast seen by Daniel have been compared to the legs of iron which represents the initial reign of the Roman empire while the feet of the admixture of incompatible iron clay were shown to Daniel as ten horns that have been prophesied to explain the expectations of the reign of the antiChrist.


These figurative translations of spiritual symbols have all manifested in relatable recorded human history except for the admixed feet of iron and clay. Even, that has antecedents showing us a shift towards its physical identification. This is key to identifying what is believable or not. It is also the key to prioritizing issues of life.

Historically, we saw the manifestation of Babylon, the empire of Nebuchadnezzar. Gold was the state symbol but more importantly the wickedness that it committed against the Jews established the prophecies that predate even Daniel. God called Nebuchadnezzar His servant in those prophecies (Jeremiah 43:10; Isaiah 44:28; Isaiah 45:1). Essentially, he had a purpose in God’s agenda and timeline for men. Even Ezekiel who was also in captivity with Daniel called Nebuchadnezzar, the servant of God (Ezekiel 29:18–20).

One can only imagine how flattered Nebuchadnezzar was when he was told that he was the head of gold in his vision and God had set him up for it (Daniel 2:37). He could care less that his huge work will be taken away from his children as the weaker kingdom of silver took over. Simply, human. As the lion in Daniel’s dream, records show that he was most cruel to the Jews. He attempted to eliminate any worship of God, and changed the names of the Jews to Chaldean names. Even, despite the humiliation Daniel and Ezekiel insisted that the Jews must not challenge the servant of God because that tantamounts to challenging the authority of God.

Similarly, we see Medo-Persia, the chest of silver covering a less hardened heart of a bear dealing more humanely with the Jews. He did not only allow the Jews and other slaves to worship however they deem fit. It was the Persian king Cyrus that allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem. Other kingdoms in the dreams have since passed on to include the bronze/leopard symbol of Greece notably run by Alexander The Great followed by the two iron legs/ferocious beast theologically identified as the first phase of Rome. We await the manifestation of the feet of iron mixed clay representing the ten horns in the vision of Daniel. It is proposed that this will be the reign or rulership of the antiChrist. Our current time period under the phase of the world clock classified as the era of the Gentiles is the Time of the Church. This is one of the periods obscured from the perspectives of the earlier prophets for which they fervently sought explanations but were told not to worry about. This was revealed to Apostle Paul (Daniel 12:9; Ephesians 1-2). Jesus also hinted at this period even before telling the disciples to go and wait for power before going out to preach on their own (Matthew 13).

Therefore, on the prophetic timeline, two important events are missing, the areas obscured from the vision of the early prophets and the relevance of the stone that was not cut by ‘human hands’ but shatters the incohesive admixture of iron and clay feet.

Valleys Within The Ancient Prophecies

The synonyms and titles given to the different phases on the prophecy of the timelines have been likened to the summit of hills or mountains whereby the names of the giants, the emperors for example are used to describe the mountain as they remain at its peak. However, as each mountain or hill has sides, we must remember that there is a build up to their historical event. People don’t just become emperors, they have to conquer territories and subjugate other kingdoms. That takes some time.

end-time timelines

Therefore, as we call one period by a name or the other, we must not lose sight of the intervals between them while the kingdom acquires its strength of character. These intervals between the peaks in our vision represent valleys whose content are rather vague. These are the challenges that confounded many of the prophets and stimulated their research and even directly making requests for knowledge from God (Daniel 12:9-13; Revelations 10:4). There are gaps in the knowledge of the prophets some of which are now able to fill by the benefit of hindsight.

Aside from the Intertestamental period, one valley of significance among others is the era of The Church within the Time of the Gentiles. The prophets talked a lot about Jesus including being hacked down by Rome during the first reign of Rome (Jeremiah 11; Jeremiah 23; Jeremiah 31; Zechariah 12; Zechariah 20; Isaiah 53; Isaiah 60). But they did not understand much about The Church being an era of itself. It takes hindsight to decode this era from the words of Jesus Himself. For example, when he told doubting Thomas to testify to the world about His resurrection (John 20:27). Rarely do we associate that with the prophecy of Zechariah 12:27 who predicted that the Messiah will be ripped open. That prophecy was being explained as a testament of history in John 20:27 similar to His hint in Luke 4:21 as the prophecy of Isaiah was being fulfilled.

Alpha Omega_Jesus

The Church demystified for us by Apostle Paul serves the purpose of the time period when Jesus is harvesting Gentiles into His kingdom (Ephesians 1-3). The centrality of Jesus and His message in this valley continues to challenge many in this landmark period on the End Times timeline. Yet, it is important if one will make sense of the summit of the reign of the antiChrist which many have no doubt about. The reign of the spirit of the antiChrist which precedes the reign of the antiChrist itself is the evil challenge of the period of The Church. A period where social celebrities like Oprah Winfrey make nonsense of the Pope and other religious doctrines. It is the period when we do not believe what we cannot touch with human senses, yet, we applaud magic and psychics.

More than 500 years before Jesus Christ will step into this world, Jewish prophets told us to expect somebody like Him. He came in ways that fulfill those prophecies. The prophecy of His manner of death was so articulate that it cannot be mistaken for something else. That he will be ripped open rather than have His legs broken was prophesied unambiguously by Zechariah (Zechariah 12:10). It was never Jewish culture to crucify criminals. They were stoned to death according to the laws of Moses. Jesus Christ was not only ripped open, He made a testimonial show of it by asking Thomas to dip his fingers inside the wound to confirm His identity (Luke 4:21; John 20:27). No other Jew is recorded to have suffered the same fate.

Yet, the whole purpose of it was to establish The Church to begin a gathering of Jews and Gentiles for a kingdom of God with an empowerment against the wiles of the antiChrist as his spirit prepares to deceptively distract people from worshiping and seeking God before he takes over rulership of the world. I have often asked people how the forceful memorization of scriptures like the Lord’s prayer, Psalm 23 or even Psalm 91 not talk forced morning devotions have ensured that they went to church as adults? Further, I also ask how much of that have they passed on to their children? The practical answer has proven the gradual deceptive influence of the spirit of the antiChrist in human affairs.

Watching Disney movies may appear convenient and cheaply available but how many parents have taken the time to understand that spiritually relevant objects and lessons including morality were being taught to their children? That such makes them not appreciate why America’s Got Talent moderates the exposition of Christian religion but celebrates magic? That The Bachelorette is celebrated by journalists yet evangelists cannot preach on television? Essentially, the kingdom of Satan reacts to the move of heaven in every phase.

Since Jesus, we have seen the Pentecost as promised and the wildfire growth of The Church across all tribes and tongues. Evolution and globalism have equally been used to distract men and confuse their understanding of godliness. Yet, just like Zechariah 12:10 happened, a day looms on the horizon when Jesus will reappear on this earth with a host of victors to fulfill Zechariah 14:4. The feet of Jesus Christ will physically touch the soil again, not as in the rapture of the saints of the saints, a mainly spiritual event, but a physical manifestation of a take-over of the government of this world. That is another summit the prophets saw clearly.

The Stone Not Cut With Human Hands

Understanding of the relevance of the spirit of the antiChrist may begin with evaluation of the message of celebrities like Megan Thee Stallion. Then one must wonder where did Michael Jackson miss it and how is that different from Whitney Houston? One thing is clear, they were prominent influencers apparently with some faith factor just as Megan Thee Stallion. The interpretation of the dreams in explaining the path of history should give you an understanding of the times and what you must do with the knowledge as you watch the next episode of America’s Got Talent.


While the kingdom of an admixture of incohesive iron and clay as the last empire put together by human wisdom will surely happen, the antiChrist will surely be blown off the stage by the ‘stone not cut with human hands’ overtaking the rulership of the world. Zechariah’s prophecy of Zechariah 14 will now assume its full reality as everyone ultimately faithfully looks up to Jerusalem as Zion. The final heavenly establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth becomes a reality that makes all the current wisdom on spirituality and science a waste. Hence, young people must refrain from being taught by celebrities who assume financial success and prosperity proves their depth of understanding. Their followers need to engage in study if they must not waste their earthly existence.

The worry of the reigning Generation Z therefore should be a desire to learn the truth behind this ‘stone not cut human hands’ concept. How realistic is the prediction? Do the antecedents presented here bear any semblance to historical fact? Sadly, the baby boomers enjoyed the fruits of faithfulness as a subconscious moral guide.

Their successor, while mainly accepting faith as an anchor of morality, also allowed the questioning rationale of the scientific method to becloud their parental responsibilities to generations after them. Full blown in Generation Z is a freedom to accept the responsibility of every individual to choose their lifestyle. Everything and anything is acceptable so long as no one else is allowed to complain about it without infringing on individual personal rights. The atmosphere has gone totally crazy gray and everyone is confused. Yet, everyone seems happy. In other words, Generation Alpha is morally aloof and the smart ones must find faith by themselves.

Peter fishing for converts

Prophecy gives us a guide to manage our social existence. There will always be macro status and micro status events that need to align to help our interpretation of these prophecies. For whatever reason, Israel which even in its fullest expression of God’s wish is only about 44 miles wide has never left the centerstage of human discussion. It is such a tiny piece of real estate that it is tough at its best to represent in any significant way on the map, even the local map of just The Middle East. Yet, we are told that when world discussion begins to move from Israel as a nation to Jerusalem as its capital, the imminence of the second appearance looms large on the horizon. Further, as the return to the ritual of national sacrifice on the Temple Mount intensifies, the second advent of Jesus Christ (Zechariah 14:14-19) is knocking on the door.

In Israel, the calls to brave the return to the sacrifice on the Temple Mount has begun to seep through to the surface. The call here is for the uneducated, especially Generation Alpha to seek some learning, accept the reality of the ‘stone not cut with human hands’ prevailing over all the kingdoms of men and join the bandwagon for the Rapture, not waiting for the manifestation of the antiChrist before they accept the saving grace of the blood of the Lamb shed for them at Calvary.


The clamor for the return of the sacrifice at the Temple by Jews as solution to the current territorial challenges should alert the faithful about the imminence of Christ’s return to the throne of David. It should be weaponized to evangelize the gospel of Jesus Christ as a fulfillment of prophecy to encourage more converts to prepare and embrace the Rapture of the saints as a smarter way to participate in the reign of Jesus on earth.

Essentially, God has shown how this world will end. One would think that there should be no need to panic. Yet, there is a cause to panic because we live as we do not know despite the evidence.

Religion follows from here. The spirit of the anti-Christ employs many games to deceive. Christians must understand that this spirit runs in the world as the atmosphere of the times with a purpose (John 10:10). Its primary purpose is to deny people the opportunity of obtaining salvation through the redeeming blood of the Seed of the woman – Jesus Christ. Nothing proves Jesus Christ more than the presence of The Holy Ghost who permanently resides with us today. Show Him to people to shame the anti-Christ.

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The Holy Ghost

Evidence of the Supernatural
Documentation of extra-terrestial involvement in human affairs predate the Bilbical records of Moses. Yet, since Moses many strange activities with claims of celestial involvement continues to befuddle mankind. Jesus Christ introduced a bewildering dimension to the mystery which Paul confirms had been planned before creation.

Essentially, the revelation of the Holy Spirit was to confirm the permanent domicile of God in man in the last days. This is the enigma that we continue to contend with and educate ourselves about in this column. Things continue to happen in our world that we cannot explain. The events of the Pentecost confirms the influence of extra-terestial energy that produce physical manisfestations.