Why Pastors Won’t Leave Satan Alone
Some believe that the obsession of Pentecostal pastors with the concept of the devilish is to distract their followers from pursuing solutions to real life challenges to keep their money-making streams vibrant. The belief in the Pentecostal world is that earthly matters are settled in the celestial – hence we pray to ward off evil influence according to guidance given by God. The ability to ward off evil is not acquired by commonsense, hence, pastors are kept busy chasing satanic challenges.
Not unexpectedly, the original authors of this question had the defense of Satan in their perspective. They suggest that Satan is not such a bad person to bear the label of the carrier of evil as many of us are bound to presuppose. That is, Satan is not equivalent to the Devil. In their view, the obsession of Pentecostal pastors with the concept of the devilish is to distract their followers from pursuing solutions to real life challenges to keep their money-making streams vibrant. There are cultures that recognize Satan as the prime intermediary between angels and even God to effect celestial intervention in the affairs of man. That is, even angels depend on him to make good happen. But then, why would Jesus describe the potender of evil as Satan? (Matthew 4; Matthew 16:23).

Given that Christian pastors are followers of Jesus Christ, and Pentecostal pastors specifically engage themselves in the supernatural implications of life issues, it will appear that they owe it to their congregants to discern physical challenges facing their congregants and manage them especially in view of scriptural guidance from John 10:10. Are there financial implications for the services of the pastors? In fact, the word, services should imply some gratification. That is, the pastors need to be paid for their services. Even the Levitical order of Moses clarifies that much. Yet, people who have been focused more on the money may do some good by bothering to learn some truth.
For example, why would a consultant medical doctor whose wife is a judge with wonderfully achieving children bother about wiles of Satan or a devil for that matter? This is not to suggest that there are not families with such credentials who become Satan-pursuing firebrand evangelists, but to imply that an apparently peaceful life lived at a superficial level without consideration for the supernatural may be a smart is a somewhat naïve excuse.
Historical Precedence of Celestial Interplay of Good versus Evil
Bible records tells us that famine forced the children of Jacob to Egypt. An apparently innocent political solution to hunger. However, when relations turned sour and the people decided to leave it became a battle, a battle mainly fought in the spiritual realms. The same Bible records that one man, Moses, raised his hands against the country and invoked darkness that lasted for three days.
Yet, within the same territory, the Hebrews in Goshen had light (Exodus 10:21-23). In other words, this mysterious physical event of three nights of darkness had some strange inspiration to it. I dare say, spiritual intervention. Not just the wish but also the actualization that merited the records. Till date, The Passover Feast continues to be celebrated worldwide among Christians in commemoration of the protection of the Hebrews from the angel of death while Egyptian children faced total annihilation (Exodus 12:11-12). Another example of supernatural intervention in the affairs of man. Certainly, strange beings carried out these events; switching off lights in some territories while their neighbors remain unaffected for some strange reason.
Still talking about the Hebrews. When they left Egypt in search of Canaan, a certain king among many others tried to stop them from overrunning his empire. This king was not only baffled by the population of the approaching nation, but he was also equally baffled by their rate of reproduction even though they lacked resources. They were blessed by strange hands and this mystery challenged the king.
Therefore, King Balak employed the services of Prophet Balaam. Balak trusted that God, Himself talks with Balaam and therefore was the best person to curse this strange people who continue to crush all nations in their wake (Numbers 22-24). That way, his nation and reign will be preserved. It must be noted that kings and kingdoms keep records. In addition, palaces have several types of royal and noble men loyal to it. These include astrologers, prophets, magicians who are the best in their trades but most importantly interact with the celestial or at least study celestial elements. Balaam confirmed from his spiritual consultation that this approaching nation could not cursed, and it made no sense to fight them.
Men from the east spent months to get to Herod while following strange star (Matthew 2). In fact, Herod’s men knew about Jesus but did not understand the details. The decision to kill all babies in a certain age range shows how uncertain they were that the baby was not already born.
The whole world lies in wickedness (1 John 5:19). Motivation to do evil varies, but evil appears to be easier for men to do than good (Jeremiah 17:19). The physical manifestations of the evil that men commit against each is what drives men to church in search of help and deliverance from wickedness. From Egypt not ready to lose its free workforce, to Balak trying to protect his kingdom, to Herod trying to eliminate competition for his throne or even racism exemplified by Haman’s determination to eliminate the Hebrews, Satan will always find an excuse to introduce tensions between people that may degenerate into evil intentions (Esther 5 - 7). It is all that Satan does, foment evil (Ezekiel 8). Therefore, so long as we live in this world, pastors have a duty to procure deliverance from the antics of Satan.
Spiritual Counsel of Prophets and Apostles
Satan said to God, “I have been patrolling the earth, watching everything that’s going on” (Job 1:7; 2:2 NLT).
There can be no greater evidence that evil exists in the world. We call it evil mainly because it is uninvited most times. And even if those cases when one gets blamed for overzealousness and inviting evil eyes, the true intention of the person is probably to do the good that they know or celebrate some new event in their lives. The account in Daniel points directly at this kind of situation. For all that Daniel cared, he was simply praying for freedom for his nation. How the prince of Persia could find that find the overdue release of God’s people offensive can only make sense to evil.
Yet, he contended on the spiritual plain with the answer released from heaven. A celestial level battle had to ensue before the virtue finally got to Daniel (Daniel 10:13-21). This corroborates the reply of Satan to God to the effect that he, Satan equally monitors events in the world to intervene in God’s answer to the prayers of God children. We must be aware of this challenge to our prayers and accommodate them in spiritual warfare. Pastors have a duty to point this out to us.
In several scriptures, there are warnings against wickedness, which is the physical manifestation of evil. It is going to be difficult to explain how grievous Nancy Pelosi may have harmed anyone with her politics that a man will break into her home to attack her with a hammer. Certainly, the intention was to club people to death. This is evil. Yet, my point is that there is Satan manipulating the situation in the spiritual realm. Scriptural counsel against this kind of attack is to expect it in this world because there are avowed of spiritual darkness and those who claim spiritual authority over the affairs of men (Ezekiel 11; Ephesians 6). The way to prepare against such potential wickedness becomes the reality of pastors to teach their wards.
You Need Power To Live – Get Power
What is life or what does living mean to you? Life is spiritual, join the fight to win life’s battles
It may be great to look cool, but when life bites, you should be ready to bite back. This is the major lesson from Job. He did nothing wrong, yet Satan will not stop paining him to prove his abilities. Not all bipolar disorders are organic. Evil abounds. Racial hatred is real and cannot be excused as bipolar in nature.
Life is spiritual. Purpose of the Holy Spirit is to endow us with power (1 Samuel 10:6). Our question remains why? Why must we have power? God commanded that we receive power (Deuteronomy 8:18; Matthew 10:1; Luke 24:29, John 1:12; Acts 1:8). Commonsense will suggest that since we are God’s children and omnipresent, why would He want us to have power since he sees all and can take of all. The answer is simple, God is a Spirit, He has not changed that order. In fact, he gives us of His Spirit which makes communicating with Him simple (1 John 4:13-14). However, He gave man dominion over the earth not spirits. Spirits operate through bodies, flesh to effect celestial agenda. Even Satan, being a spirit falls short here. Hence, some call Satan powerless. Except that when man loans him a body Satan bites badly.

It is not possible to blame every evil occurrence on bipolar disorder. The decision to plot a scheme to prevent your colleague from becoming your superior in the workplace because they are not natives or come from a weaker race irrespective of their qualifications is motivated by evil and not mental dysfunction. Look at the Hunter Biden paternity scandal here for a minute. Like it or not, it’s a stain on the President. President Biden is an example of an avid Christian. Even, Hunter can only claim to be living life the way others did. He was not accused of belonging to a murderous gang. However, being in the wrong company and fall for the trap of Satan reflects on the purity and Christianity of his father. The prevention of these types of embarrassment makes pastors work against the wiles of Satan.
We have seen evil doled out in the struggle for political superiority. The fight for territorial control in criminal gangs is not limited to the imagination of movie makers, they telegraph what happens in the real world. The victims are as human as the perpetrators. The Pentecostal world believes that earthly matters are settled in the celestial – hence we pray to ward off evil influence according to guidance given by God.
You may wish away the warnings of prophets as contentious imaginations, but Ezekiel makes men to understand that the City of Tyre in Lebanon carries history and modern evidence that confirms prophet reality (Ezekiel 26). We see clearly from historic evidence that Old Testament prophets confirmed the use of supernatural power. Magic and the role of psychics are not denied, nor their powers explained even in the 21st Century. The promises of Joel 2 may appear vague or esoteric, yet we know that the escape of Peter in Acts 12 was a historic reality involving the intervention of the supernatural predicated upon the powerful prayers of the church. There is evil in the world, and Jesus says Satan is its perpetrator-in-chief. Therefore, pastors must engage in the ministry of word and prayers to shepherd their flock from Satanic attacks irrespective of what agents of distraction call it (Acts 6:4).
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