Correct Parenting Negligence - Escape For Your Life

The photo of Judas the goat tells the story of ultimate betrayal. Betrayal can only be alleged when a faith component, trust, is hurtfully breached. The sheep follow Judas as their shepherd. Actually, he knows the way, a path that he has walked several times. Yet, Judas knew that this path leads to the death of the sheep, the entire flock faithfully following him. It is a natural tendency that is observed all the time between the leader and the follower irrespective of group classification.
Clearly, what we call natural tendency here indicates an assumption of our spirit to trust another being completely for one’s safety. That such assumptions have very resulted in betrayal is evidenced in high divorce rates among married people and the refusal of many to consider the marriage idea. It can be hurtful to the soul beyond mental rationalization.
This is where those who doubt the existence of God and spiritual forces face the challenge. If marriage were a strong desire of God to call it an institution or a pillar of His relationship with men, why are there no balms to cure or treat such hurting when humans go out of line with each other? Why must people go into depression just because they feel betrayed?
Essentially, there are dimensions beyond our physical selves. In fact, the spiritual realm communicates with our soul to guide us. Hence, we come up with words like intuition which equally has no physical identification but a description of another mysterious realm akin to the spiritual since it is beyond our mental ability to rationalize. The spiritual realm is the medium of God’s communication. We must embrace faith to accept the spirit realm if we must make any meaning of so-many mysteries.
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The Holy Ghost - What?

The Acts of the Apostles is the only book of the Bible that remains without a conclusion. In other words, the demonstration of the power of the Holy Ghost remains undeniable evidence of Christianity. Hence, it merits the discussion initiated here. Time to join us and thanks for visiting.
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Holy Ghost Discussion - Who?

It is true that religion introduces spirituality into our realm of the physical and social existence. To avoid technicalities, it becomes rare for religious leaders to expose the reality of celestial existence. They will rather dwell on the moral values to be drawn from the ethereal nature of the spirituality with which they communicate. The difference is that the Holy Ghost opens the realm of the celestial to everyone. I mean everyone can become a prophet, so to say.
The Holy Ghost as expounded by Jesus Christ expects active participation for deeper insights without any theological decorations. Using the Bible as the standard for historicity, we will attempt to uncover the social relevance of the powers inherent in the Holy Ghost with the support of modern science and technology.
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Why Holy Ghost Discussion? - Hear These Giants
Not Just Talk But Undeniable Physical Evidence
"The words of Jesus Christ can be tested in the undeniable performance of the Holy Ghost bringing about changes in the lives of men as evangelists continue to prove in various scenarios."
Testifying To The Presence of The Holy Ghost
Beyond being esoteric and untouchable, these men continue to prove through physical manifestations that the supernatural realm interacts with our spiritual existence to produce physically demonstrable results. It becomes important for every Christian to engineer productive evangelism by the manifestation of the power of The Holy Ghost, which is Christ inside of us. The above videos are records of 21st Century events. They are not some imaginative Biblical records. Therefore, we must aspire to acquire the living power of Jesus Christ to do the exploits that provoke men to want Jesus Christ in their lives.
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The Evangel - Who We Are?

There remains a continuing need to wipe out tears and restore men to their destinies on our streets. The Evangel is dedicated to joining the zeal of Christians to make the statement that the Holy Ghost still cares.
The Evangel is not representative of any denomination or religious ministry. We are a movement instigated by the Holy Ghost. This is not a church or a fellowship. We are not dedicated to any specific denomination or cause like a charity other than advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ by encouraging men to demonstrate the power of the Holy Ghost. We are a ministry of the Holy Ghost headquartered in Dallas, Texas. Visioneer is Pastor (Dr.) Noah Omoluabi Olorunfemi
Please feel free to join motivating discussions that build men for Christ.
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Latest Update - Is IVF A Sin?

A Christian sister got pregnant and the Church wants to discipline her since she was not married. She did artificial insemination since she wants a child. The Sister is pregnant without committing fornication nor adultery with any man.
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Mission Fields
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