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Guidance Is In The Spirit And Not The Mind

Trusting A Betrayer Versus The Good Shepherd

The photo of Judas the goat tells the story of ultimate betrayal. Betrayal can only be alleged when a faith component, trust, is hurtfully breached. The sheep follow Judas as their shepherd. Actually, he knows the way, a path that he has walked several times. Yet, Judas knew that this path leads to the death of the sheep, the entire flock faithfully following him. It is a natural tendency that is observed all the time between the leader and the follower irrespective of group classification.

betrayal Gen alpha

Clearly, what we call natural tendency here indicates an assumption of our spirit to trust another being completely for one’s safety. That such assumptions have very resulted in betrayal is evidenced in high divorce rates among married people and the refusal of many to consider the marriage idea. It can be hurtful to the soul beyond mental rationalization.

This is where those who doubt the existence of God and spiritual forces face the challenge. If marriage were a strong desire of God to call it an institution or a pillar of His relationship with men, why are there no balms to cure or treat such hurting when humans go out of line with each other? Why must people go into depression just because they feel betrayed?

Essentially, there are dimensions beyond our physical selves. In fact, the spiritual realm communicates with our soul to guide us. Hence, we come up with words like intuition which equally has no physical identification but a description of another mysterious realm akin to the spiritual since it is beyond our mental ability to rationalize. The spiritual realm is the medium of God’s communication. We must embrace faith to accept the spirit realm if we must make any meaning of so-many mysteries.

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A spiritual connection undoubtedly exists in that flock of Judas the goat responsible for the messaging that shepherds the flock toward a uniform response. Hence, the flow is fluid and peaceful as the sheep follows the shepherd. It is equally so in the flow of the gospel of Jesus Christ. God, the Creator has embedded His Spirit in each and everyone of us (1 John 4:13). When we release that spirit in us to the Holy Ghost, we are able to flow with the will of God.

It is rare on Sunday morning these days to see flocks going to worship God. The few families that go are even mocked for succumbing to deception. This is how grave Satan has succeeded in cheating modern generations. Science brought doubt to the creation story and hence weakness to the hunger for a knowledge of God. Hence, the Baby boomers found it non-psychedelic to be seen going to buildings of brainwashers called churches. Technology helped isolate generations that followed to the extent Generation Z had no idea what a church really is, and would rather not bother about it.

With Generation Alpha, absolute ignorance has ensured that they have no clue about Jesus Christ. The parents have completely eliminated any opportunity for them to research the Holy Spirit. There is so much confusion in the media about the Holy Spirit that combines with parental dereliction of the duty of education of their children. People would rather walk their dogs while smoking on Sunday morning than be in the church worshiping God, the Creator of life, and the author of our guidance, the human spirit (Isaiah 40).

There continue to be gaps in human knowledge and understanding. This is where the wonderful Bible exposes mysteries to us. The only avenue to make sense of life is in the Church of Jesus Christ. The Bible makes clear the communication and the intent of God with each spiritual interaction. Connecting our spirit with His Spirit unveils the leadership that we need.

what prophets see

If there is one inestimable value of the Jewish race, it is the preservation of the words of some unique men that we all call prophets. Jewish culture found a way to recognize the uniqueness of the words of these men. Words that no one totally understands. Hindsight and history begins to make sense of some of the writings of these prophets. This is why we all need to go to church to decode the relevance of their writings to modern existence.

Understanding the gaps brings peace to the human spirit. People lucky enough to know this fact still go to church. Most often they have run into some encounter or have the upbringing that tells them that there are mysteries in human existence inexplicable by wisdom or knowledge from scientific research or advances in technology. And many finding Jesus seek to know more of Him.

The hunger to explain a phenomenon is rational but millennials did not overcome that hunger with human wisdom. They lost out on that. Moses wanted to investigate a fire that does not burn (Exodus 3:3). It was the same fire on the heads of men but the fire refused to consume them (Acts 2:3). When Daniel made attempts to understand the details of the vision he was having, the Holy Spirit told him to shut it up (Daniel 12:4). Apparently, it was not for his generation to understand. We have some ideas about what those mean today because we gather to study the scriptures. Across millennials, certain mysteries have been decoded and many remain challenging (Ephesians 3:5; Revelation 10:4). Yet, they all talk about the life that we live in on earth.

The Monica Lewinsky saga was historical for many reasons. Among them was that divorce was impending within the White House, the seat of the most powerful government of the world. This unknown development could easily have lended credibility to divorce as fashionable. Yet, the intervention of God’s servant saved the day. People traumatized by such experiences would rather not get entangled in a marital relationship because betrayal of trust may depress them beyond recovery. Yet, embroiled in that scandal in her prime, Chelsea finds joy in marriage rather than allowing her life to be destroyed by it.

There are some countries where the subject called history is banned. Whatever the powers that be in those countries do, the clock continues to read time. They have only denied their children knowledge. Similar denials by one’s ancestors concerning the knowledge of Jesus Christ due to their personal anxieties will not stop the progress of humanity. Even the gospel continues to run its race as it surreptitiously envelops the world (Daniel 2:35).

Hint About The Future of Humanity

There have been and will continue to be challenges about the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Jews as a political force continue to deny the gospel of Jesus Christ through many fronts. The fact that Jesus Christ was a Jew is however unchallengeable as they would have clearly pursued avenues to challenge that as well. Today, the Jews deny involvement including culpability in the death and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. One fact is not deniable. What is true is that the Shepherd of Christianity was a Jew that was crucified.

The prophets that the Jews love so much talked about this event with a purpose. One of the so-called Messianic prophets specifically said that His method of killing will be by ripping His side open (Zechariah 12:10). This is exactly what happened in contrast with the others crucified beside him whose legs were broken to certify them dead (John 19:32-35; John 20:26-28). Yet, the prophecy in Zechariah 12:10 has not been fulfilled in full. This is a hint and a challenge of our humanity to unveil the pending parts of the mystery. The prophecy was written more than 500 years before Christ was born.

At the time that the prophecy was written, crucifixion was unknown to the Jews; they killed people by stoning. Therefore, this hint of wisdom was strange both to the author and to the audience. It was a work of spiritual communication that was wisely preserved by the Jews and fortunately, exposes God and His agenda to us all today. Israel is yet to become sober enough to accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ and become the source of solace to the entire world as we caught glimpses of that potential with King Solomon. Yet, the gospel envelopes the world unabated by Satanic tantrums.

The human mind comes up with so many rationalizations in the attempt to interpret physical observations and historical progressions. We want to be in charge instead of submitting to some fabled authority. Yet, we have not done well to grasp what makes history happen (Isaiah 40:19-21). This is how the denial of previous generations continues to deny their children a sound basis of education for the opportunity to research The Spirit of God. Since history vindicates prophecy it is clear that Mount Olives will be split one day when Jesus returns to rule the earth. Zechariah 14:4 is prophecy while Zechariah 14:5 is archaeologically supported history.

Escape For Your Life

That Jesus Christ will return following a series of events that must cause some people to regret and some others to rejoice and reign with Him physically on this earth is certain. If nothing else, the ripping on the side, and the Pentecost prove it. Regardless of whether you were taught by your parents or whether they approve or not, is it not smart for you to research this claim? The only way to find out is to go to church to ask those that may know. The hunger will not cease until sated and someone is able to guide you to the truth if you choose.

end times timeline

I will rather be among those saints returning with Jesus Christ (Zechariah 14:4). And you can choose to be one as well by rejecting parental negligence based on unfounded anxieties. It is free, it is easy and it is unceremonial. All you need to do is to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and be guided by the good Shepherd (John 3:16; John 10:11; Ephesians 2:8-10). You do not need a priest or blessing from anyone to accept Jesus Christ. There is no apology before anyone except Jesus Christ. It does not have to be in church or any special place or event. It is a matter of your heart shared directly with God even as you are reading this article now. Just agree with Him in your own words and mean it. That is all it takes to secure your own future (Romans 10:9-11; Philippians 3:13).

From there, the connection with the Holy Spirit helps you to grow in the Christian virtues espoused in Galatians 5:22-26 with ease instead of struggling to be politically correct and morally upright at the same time. These are the burdens associated with the yoke of faith in Jesus Christ.


Certainly, there are expectations after accepting the Lordship of Jesus Christ as to growing in the knowledge of the Good Shepherd. He calls them burdens and a light yoke (Matthew 11:28-30). They include the need to attend a Bible believing and exposing church to grasp the practical realities of some of what you are learning. There is the need to understand the Great Commission to acquire the knowledge and power to be a dynamic sheep (Matthew 28:18-20).

Essentially, it is not smart to allow the negligence or anxiety of someone else to deny yourself the power and human reality in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The scriptures are engines of wisdom open for exploration. Jesus was there at creation. He has walked this earth with his feet. He understands the terrain from all sides beyond the wisdom of any man. The prophets leave us with insight into the workings of the spiritual realm. They prove the existence of the spiritual realm, a challenge for the permutations of the mind of man to explain.

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Evidence of the Supernatural
Documentation of extra-terrestial involvement in human affairs predate the Bilbical records of Moses. Yet, since Moses many strange activities with claims of celestial involvement continues to befuddle mankind. Jesus Christ introduced a bewildering dimension to the mystery which Paul confirms had been planned before creation.

Essentially, the revelation of the Holy Spirit was to confirm the permanent domicile of God in man in the lasts days. This is the enigma that we continue to contend with and educate ourselves about in this column. Things continue to happen in our world that we cannot explain. The events of the Pentecost confirms the influence of extra-terestial energy that produce physical manisfestations.