Moms What Did Your Youth Pastor Say About Disney's Frozen 2
Excellence or Indoctrination
What’s in a movie, you might wonder? A kid’s entertainment movie for matter. They all had fun, didn’t they? And what has the pastor got to do with it? If you went with them to watch Frozen II and you do not have questions for yourself or your pastor, then, this is the time to reconsider. You may have missed out on important signals. You probably just escorted them to the theatre; you were not parenting. In my case, that was what I wanted to do, escort them but found out that I needed to pay attention.

As a pastor you must read this piece because it worried me that you may not have captured certain significant clues. By the way, I hope that you know that since the DVD is out, you will be buying a copy for them to watch at home as needed while you free yourself for other endeavors. That is so many rounds of the movie on their own and their own pace. Just like other movies, only that this was top of its marketing game. They talked about it in school, did you talk about it in church?
Maybe you never thought about it that way, you simply dismissed the idea of bringing what movies your wards watch or you don’t know how to fit it in. It puzzles me how teachers do it, but they seem to have a way to chip in on social issues and guide their wards towards certain viewpoints. Yet, the wheel of social progress rolls on. The society is introducing the supernatural into your child’s subconscious. While, Frozen II, an excellent production from a company like Disney will not likely attribute superiority to one religion or another, the elements seeded into their minds are enough for the children to build on later in life or maybe catch up with.
Today, it is acceptable to have gay children even in Christian homes. Even, church-going parents will supervise the cosmetic conversion plastic surgery for their kids. This level of social acceptance did not happen overnight, it took subtle manipulation of social opportunities to feed us to get us to such level of social acceptance. Remember those Oscar speeches, and the ones at the Academy and Grammy Awards, those are expensive and persuasive platforms to proselyte. And they have worked, not so? There is apparently very little Christians can do with the concept of gays existing in society, the scriptures confirm that homosexuality is as ancient as society (Lev. 18:22). While we know that it is not Christianly, because it directly opposes the expressed will of God, we have come to accept it as a social norm. Afterall, not everyone is a Christian. (Rom. 1:27-32; I Cor. 6:9-10)
It is not my intention to review Frozen II as a movie here. There are so many excellent reviews available elsewhere. My intention is to review godly parental preparation of our kids for a Christian future in the society (Prov 22:6). Fortunately, society has been helping us to agree that because someone is called James does not mean that he is a Christian. That you were born to a church-going family does not make you a Christian. In addition, it has been found that born-again Generation Z kids who choose to be Christians, and their Millennial predecessors hardly backslide. They also find it easy to share Jesus with friends and co-workers.
Gen AA expects a narrative from every interaction, their games, their books, their cartoons. What interests them are immersive storytelling that is cohesive across all the episodes of any entertainment content. They also expect to participate, in some fashion, within the narrative. Did Disney pull this out of Frozen II? I think so. If you agree, then Frozen II remains a specimen for production and marketing excellence. A technical excellence that will be difficult to surpass.
Does your child’s character fit into this generalization about his/her generation? Engagement with this late Generation Z and early Generation AA is challenging, yet, Disney has succeeded in ensuring that they stay engaged because the story is good. Frozen I and Frozen II storylines, unfold convolutions over time with hooks that keep everyone engaged irrespective of age. Questions from reviewers confirms that Disney is planning to keep the Frozen-loving crowd for a long time. Where does that leave you as a Christian parent or youth pastor? How will engage the social force against all the moral values that you teach your children?
Disney - The Excellence of Movie Production

Once again, this is not a technical film review of Frozen II. This is a callout to Christianity to seize the moment and ride with society for the sake of the gospel. It may be challenging for a highly visible organization like Disney to appear so partisan as to lean favorably towards Christianity. Frozen II was deeply spiritual without being religious. I mean deeply spiritual, to the extent that regular movie critics did not know what to say about this aspect. Symbols that appear repetitively in the story keeping their contributions to every scene very relevant.
That is evidence of political correctness on the part of the company. Every religion has a praying ministry, and we commonly use the same symbols of spirituality. Most religions identify with earth, water, fire, and wind as physical elements with supernatural significance. They may appear docile and routine, yet man can engage celestial powers to manipulate them. In other words, winds can be used to cause storms and the earth can be made to quake.
Irrespective of scientific knowledge, there are many occasions where human understanding of their controlling forces suggests some mystery. Welcome, the fifth element, man. Elsa representing man explores her control potentials over the elements while the absorbed kids try to unravel mysterious turn in the unwinding stories in the wilderness of the unknown unconcerned about their parents.
Do You Understand What You Child Saw?
Disney’s target were kids at the tail end of the Generation Z and incoming Generation AA. Six years later, those 5-year-olds who could not stop singing “Let It Go” are older and are becoming teenagers. Hence, the movie’s characters have grown to nearly the same age with characteristics familiar to this society’s age group. The well-researched movie had fun, some conflict, family and friendship and love as actors must deal with social issues related to loss, grief, and betrayal but particularly, with what’s “next right thing” to do in the face of hopelessness. Every second harbored an engaging turn.

Whither The Christian Parent?
Now such independence of thought leading to innovation is what the emerging Generation Zers are now struggling with as they prepare to enter society free from parental control.
If you agree with me, I think Disney did a good job of an excellent theme. The producers knew that box office grossing is simply the stimulus for commercial international success when the movie becomes widely available in other media. Yet, how is your church reacting to this trend in children education? Did you catch the symbols and the implications of what was planted in your child’s mind?
Mission Fields
People Saw It


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