Gay Debate In The God Is Love Equation
Misses In The Love Versus Hate Discussion
What About Bicurious Kids?
When one runs into terms like bicurious kids, you are bound to slow down to reconsider the wider implications of the legalization of LBGT rights to marry in the American legal system. The flippant use of such colorful language does not reflect the unfair psychological trauma facing children condemned to cope with this trauma for decades to come.

Clearly, it is appalling for many Christians, and many others of various faiths. The backdoor stamping of same-sex marriage against the American traditional definition of marriage enraged many. Then, the president set the White house aglow in rainbow colors. Rainbow is the symbol marking the covenant of peace between God and man (Genesis 9:12-17). Certainly, this covenant was far from the mind of Barak Obama when he approved the national celebration and declaration in support of same-sex marriage. Yet, the dimensions of the entire debate revolve around faith, justice, and government. President Obama rightfully pointed in his first inaugural address that America is a land of the faithful, as well as the unbelievers. Society seems to agree with him.
Herein lies the clue about whose politics will win if the influence of state power ever gets an expression in the LGBT campaign. Clearly, a campaign by a less than 4 percent minority that had the trappings of a 45 percent battle cry group is loud enough for politicians to take seriously. However, along the lines of separation of state from religion, every interested party failed woefully. The faithful remain adamant about abhorrent sexual proclivities, hence, the rebound and the arrival of Donald Trump on the wings of American Evangelicals.
The LGBT canvasses on the sentimental platform of being un-loved victims of injustice characterized by oppression. The religious carefully avoided such minefields to avoid false accusation and diversionary tactics. Yet, the same tactics of carefully laying mines, won the LGBT the right to pursue, and to manage the inheritance of their deceased spouses, and who knows child support soon. Defining the boundaries where love turns to hate did not come up for discussion at all, since all parties saw no basis for a negotiated settlement. Everyone is fuming, yet no one accepts that their hurt feelings make them angry.
Wrong Perceptions and Misunderstanding
God is love (I John 4:8).

The essence of Christian meetings and church attendance revolves around a need to understand the depth of breadth of the love of God. This is particularly so in the challenge posed by the golden rule taught by Jesus Christ (Matthew 22:36-48). Christians are accused of insensitivity, discrimination and hatred based on non-Christian interpretation of this golden rule. The challenge is incapacitating for Christians on many fronts. There is a need to express love, and gay phenomenon or its debate ought to be an opportunity to show love rather than responding with anger because of false accusation.
There is also the pervading wrong impression that gays are born that way. Christian principles make it difficult not to sympathize with this sentiment, which challenges their own very belief that God’s creation is perfect. Many gays when ‘they come out’, meaning that they have been hiding in plain sight, confess that they feel ‘real’ now. Surely, something is quite right.
The sciences of genetics and epigenetics refuse to provide evidence for an inheritable basis for the gay habit, as either normal or even a disease. If a child were likely to have sickle cell disease, Down’s syndrome or likely to be a heavy smoker when born, these sciences can help us detect it early enough for man to decide to continue with the pregnancy or not. However, no science tells us who is likely to become a prostitute, a thief, or a chronic liar yet. The later habits equally as ancients as the gay habit and are well identified in the ancient scriptures. Jesus anchored the golden rule on the same ancient laws that forbade homosexuality among God’s people. This is key – God’s people. Who are God’s people?
Conversation for Redemption
America is a nation of both believers and unbelievers. Coming right from the president, no more debate can come of that. How then does the believer live in it without being comfortable with the Sodom and Gomorrah tendencies is a great challenge. Where in the politics or how do respond in their politics to this social challenge?
The truth is that a conversation that leads to redemption of sinners must not depart from their mouths. Evangelicals have been quiet on this front after their return to spiritual rulership of America following ‘their plea to God’ and the access granted by the ascension of President Donald Trump. This is the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

The Great Commission recognizes that these times will come as explained in II Timothy 3:1-7. If they do not happen, then the prophecy by Jesus will not happen. In other words, Jesus becomes a liar, and the entire Bible becomes a book of lies. To the contrary, what continues to happen is a revelation where men focus more on their personal comforts, rather than on obeying the laws of God, which require them to keep a pure society comprised of God’s people.
Of all the beautiful creatures He created, God and Adam found none of them suitable to be Adam’s partner. However, when Eve emerged the joy in Adam’s expression was glaring. This mystery also confirms God’s intense passion for love (Genesis 1:27; Genesis 2:20-24). The Psalmist in his many teachings taught us that keeping godly company is most beneficial for a life of godliness (Psalm 119:63). David knew poverty, hard labor, and extreme wealth very well. The scriptures explain the light versus darkness equation and relationship in modern time (II Corinthians 6:14-18). This is a recurring theme in the entire Bible. Yet, the purpose of light remains as that need to bless one’s neighbors, by decoding the truth of the gospel through our life’s mirror of love.
One cannot become a sinner through sympathy. We must recognize sin and manage sin without alienating the sinner irrespective of the name or nature of the rebellion against God. The nature of rebellion in Sodom and Gomorrah was known to God, yet He was ready to spare the city if Abraham could humanly prove some right. These were people who recognized angels as some strange creatures and were bargaining for who will be the first to taste them.
Science and morals are social forces that continue to shape our world. What to do with a child who has three kidneys will always be a social conversation that may change with the effect of time on scientific guidance. We have seen shifts scientific and moral management of smoking in the society. The religious moral guidance makes it a duty to love all creatures of God. However, we cannot romance all of them. That we claim to know where to draw certain lines does not make the extremes tolerable.
Free To Love or Free To Inherit
As Christians, we live in with unbelievers, and believers of other faiths in a larger society that has its own rules governed by the politics of the milieu. The psychological shock and angst of needing to live in a society freewheeling itself to destruction can be understandable. Yet, the discussion between Abraham and God to spare the few believers in Sodom and Gomorrah becomes instructive here. A society that degenerates to the point of finding fun in sodomizing angels is gone beyond pardon. Yet, God brought His own people out of the destruction. Therefore, Christians must keep social laws without ‘being yoked’ with evil men.
Money, love of self, and inheritance continue to lubricate the political campaigns for or against this social malaise under the guise of empowering human rights. Kids in the care of gays (gay babies), born or adopted become fodders to satiate selfish desires. The rights of gay-babies and their gains from the union when they must exit is worthy of review.

In traditional forms of marriage, care for the children influences any decision that affect the structure of the family. Gay-babies cannot only expect state funding, they have rights to child support. This may sound reasonable. However, the confusion that many gay babies go through as they struggle with the truth of life becomes more complicated. They face challenges that include understanding their peers, why they are different, and why do other adults treat them with extra care to avoid offending the parents of the gay baby. Gay parents appealed to humanity on this carrot – a strategy that even the most hateful will not deny innocent children.
What to watch out now becomes verifiable documentation of true gay demographics and behavior. This is because there is no more reason hide. It is a positive development of our new state of affairs. For example, suggestions that true gay numbers are more than 1-4 percent ascribed can be verified. So also, we can openly compare the outcomes of the new bliss and joys of marriage between same-sex marriages versus traditional families. More to the point, the question of whether life is better with faith-based upbringing versus true Christian family upbringing will become easier to answer.
The rainbow is a symbol of God’s love, and a reminder of the infallibility of His word. It should not be a symbol for ‘anything goes’ politics. Any campaign that refuses to acknowledge the rainbow as a symbol of love is offensive bastardization of God’s covenant. Christianity lapsed by allowing that symbol to represent a habit that God vehemently decries. All they needed to do was to protest it rather than pretend.
It is easy to dull the boundaries between sympathy with human suffering. Christians have overlooked their responsibility to decry some of the signs and warnings, allowing social degeneration tumbling in the direction of destruction. Christians need to understand their responsibility in the sense that it takes people who are born- again to embark on The Great Commission. It is important to guard one’s salvation by understanding the duty of light (Luke 12:15). Light gets brighter with other light, and it blots out darkness. They cannot afford to be ‘yoked’ with darkness but must influence that darkness with their light.
The duty of loving your neighbor does not transcend the duty of making heaven. Winning the sinner to their eternal inheritance of salvation through love does not require one to lose his/her own salvation in the process. If a behavior is expressly condemned by God, it means that the behavior is present in society and the Christian duty is to decry it or at least point attention to it, help with correction and realignment with God. Even, doctors preach life changes to correct aliments.
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