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Calling For The Antichrist’s Temple In Israel And Generation Alpha

Understanding Jewish Faith on Politics

Leaders of faith in various religions continue to attract listening ears to the concert that the 21st Century Iranian sponsored attacks on Israel is focussed on preventing the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple on the Holy Mount. The Holy Mount is the current location of the Al Aqsa Mosque, the second most Holy site for Muslims called the Dome of the Rock. This location also hosted the earlier two Jewish Temples in Jerusalem. Both Israel and the Palestinian Authorities claim Jerusalem as their capital city.

The Jews believe that this is where God has always met them when they repent and offer covenant sacrifices while the Muslims resist the destruction of the mosque or reclaim of Jerusalem by Israel, and as such any opportunity to offer sacrifices that may upturn the current equilibrium. Prophecies suggest that the antiChrist will forment a transient peace arrangement that both sides will love until they find out that the true motive of the antiChrist was self-aggrandizement in total blasphemy against God. This solution depends on the physical return of Jesus Christ to reclaim the Throne of David.


What is Temple 3 - The antiChrist Temple?

The strong spiritual concern about this elusive character called the antiChrist confounds the intellect as there are no observable indicators that one man could potentially match his characteristics. In fact, nothing more than faith gives life to his consideration in the affairs of the world.

Yet, history tells us that no one would have thought that an Iranian King Cyrus (Medo-Persian Empire) did not only authorize and supervised the building of the second Temple, he provided resources to make it happen. That Temple succumbed to prophecy and became history in AD 70 when Rome destroyed it completely.

In the 21st Century, we have the benefit of hindsight to correlate historical events with prophecy (Daniel 2; Daniel 7). Escatholigists then give us projections as what we might expect next based on the manifestations of the different phases that the prophets talked about. They also attempt to fill in the gaps that the prophets either clearly expressed their lack of understanding or that they did not even talk about. The result is a timeline of events that humanity slides along as the clock continues to tick towards the restoration of order on earth as was established in the Garden of Eden.

While the rhetoric in Israel focuses on the return to The Land of Promise (a fulfilled promise) with Jerusalem as its capital and the restoration of The Temple, particularly because of the reinstatement of Jewish rituals, the world continues to wish for the possibility of universal suffrage in a global village. Yet, wars and alignment of powers continues unabated. All focussed on eliminating or containing Israel. Irrespective of one’s perspective, spiritual or physical, the Middle East remains the locus of all discussions. Predictions suggest that this region will produce the antiChrist. No political figure from this part of the world has ever come close to the predicted characteristics, power and intentions of the antiChrist.

Preventing The Temple Sacrifice - Delaying The AntiChrist?

The antiChrist appears at the summit of our next hill on the spiritual clock. Yet, there is a build up as we rise from the valley on the sides of the mountain towards the hilltop.

end-time timelines

The Jews are currently clamoring for military cover from Prime Minister Netenyahu to allow them to penetrate to the Temple Mount location through the Palestinian ranks just to offer their religious rituals which they believe will ultimately bring peace to the region as their enemies miraculously disappear as history shows. Of course, Iranian backed groups actively oppose such ideas because they oppose the gain on even an inch more of territory gained by Israel under any circumstances.

The arrogant but smooth character called the antiChrist is expected to wisely resolve the situation that allows the Jews to build their Temple and restore their sacrifices on the Temple Mount. However, being human it becomes impossible for his hold to last and he turns coat against Israel, defiling the Temple and destroying it because the worship is not of him but God. Therefore, his reign is short-lived and in fact projected for three and a half years before Jesus Christ HImself reclaims the throne room of David.

Before this summit is reached, in addition to the events in the Middle East the world continues to be prepared for the emergence of the new leader of the world, the antiChrist with a developing atmosphere that makes nonsense of religions. Since, he is coming in as someone able to rationalize fashionable social trends, his popularity will rise as a wise person acceptable to all as the most competent leader of the world. The Satanic spiritual sponsorship begins to manifest after his dictatorial tendencies become obvious.

For example, many use scientific rationale to make faith look unintelligent in modern times. Prophecy for example, is apparently too deep to even consider because even the superficial rituals of faith look superfluous. They are not fashionable anymore and practiced only by the gullible. No one likes to be called unsophisticated, hence, the most sympathetic just treat people of faith with tolerance.

Yet human nature today enjoys talk about the green earth movement to save the earth. We find it fashionable to talk about universal human suffrage and welfare for the weak but no one want to get too close to those. They are left for people of faith to deal with. We talk about spirituality so long as it is not about God but the celebration of human wisdom. This is modern sophistication, a psychology that builds up the social atmosphere for the antiChrist to exploit in winning the support for political leadership.

carefree life

For the protagonists of the Temple sacrifice, to the antagonists of such spiritual concepts and even to world order, it must eventually become obvious that the rebuilding of the Temple is crucial to the attainment of peace in the Middle East. This is the rider for the antiChrist to gain prominence and hence we have taken liberty to call it the Temple of the antiChrist. The Temple will be built and the sacrifice is not just a forced one-time event under military guards but a return to the routine rituals of Judaism. A provocation to the antiChrist who eventually desecrates and destroys the Temple as a challenge to his spiritual superiority.

How does one interpret the preemptive agenda against Jewish expansion groups lined up to prevent access to the Temple Mount? Still facing archaeological challenges which are being resolved through a collection of other historical evidence, the Temple used to be the location of the first Temple built by King Solomon. That Temple recorded its sanctification by the physical manifestation of the glory of God. That Temple was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar.

It was certainly the site of the second Temple built by returnees empowered by King Cyrus but was later destroyed by Rome. Therefore, one can appreciate the emotional attachment and spiritual injunction that encourages the construction of the new Temple in that location, except it is considered anti-islamic disrespect of the mosque and a political loss in ceding more territory to Israel.

The Rapture or The Millennial Reign

We are familiar with the talk about the world coming to an end soon and Middle East events have always been the primary reference. It has become a mockery in fact.

end time prophecy

To wit, the reference is not of a sudden explosive shattering of the world similar to the scientific postulation of a Big Bang that produced humanity. However, an end to the pattern of human existence as we currently know it will come. Jesus in Luke 18:8 clearly confirmed that He is coming back. The prophecies of the Old Testament prophets continue to be validated by history and explanations by New Testament scriptures.

In askance to these warnings men continue to live as if they are not concerned or so uncertain as to avoid its discussion. Many maintain a certain level of Christianity to claim some entitlement peradventure the prophecies are correct. Unfortunately, they become easy prey to contemporary wisdom blurred by celebrity counsel that undermines their faith, the Word of God and the abilities of God.

A Christian’s reality boils down to two options with regards to the antiChrist, one is either to escape the antiChrist by being raptured when Jesus comes calling the Church or to survive the 7-year reign of the antiChrist’s reign of torture and join the rest of the believers as Christ kicks off the antiChrist to reign on the Throne of David for the 1000 years called the Millenial reign of Jesus. All of these before the God’s kingdom on earth after the judgment.


Therefore, talking about the world coming to an end actually requires individual qualification of which one they would prefer. To make an informed choice requires an understanding of the roles of social discipline even after declaring a faith in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Funny enough, this particular entry has been deliberately light on scripture references. Yet, if 520 years down the line, the words of a man like me and you happened in the physical to become history, I think we need to take that man seriously. Do you want Zendaya or Zechariah? Which one would you prefer to teach your children morality?


For brevity and clarity sake, Zechariah the prophet said that Jesus Christ will be born from the root of David, that Jesus will be rejected by his own people and that he will be crucified. More importantly, Zechariah said that Jesus will be killed by being ripped open rather than breaking His legs like the others (John 20:27). That is a prophecy that became accurate history. It will be to stage that as a conspiracy theory.

Further, the same Zechariah told us that the same Jesus Christ is coming back physically a second time to claim the throne of David (Zechariah 12:10; Zechariah 14: 4). I have tried to fill in many gaps between two events in the hope that you will be motivated to find Jesus Christ today as He beckons to you with the free gift of salvation because whether you like it or not, He holds the key to everything including the future. Don’t lose it by allowing it to slip by you today. His faithfulness has never wavered from generation to generation and His salvation is still available today (Deuteronomy 7:9; I Corinthians 7:25).

Get Holy Ghost Power

The Holy Ghost

Evidence of the Supernatural
Documentation of extra-terrestial involvement in human affairs predate the Bilbical records of Moses. Yet, since Moses many strange activities with claims of celestial involvement continues to befuddle mankind. Jesus Christ introduced a bewildering dimension to the mystery which Paul confirms had been planned before creation.

Essentially, the revelation of the Holy Spirit was to confirm the permanent domicile of God in man in the last days. This is the enigma that we continue to contend with and educate ourselves about in this column. Things continue to happen in our world that we cannot explain. The events of the Pentecost confirms the influence of extra-terestial energy that produce physical manisfestations.