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IVF Baby By Without A Father A Sin?

Is Pregnancy By Artificial Insemination A Sin?

On the surface, a lady desiring marriage in order to have children apparently expresses the essential purpose of God’s creation. However, that men reject her in her assembly and nearby assemblies is suggestive of moral challenges in my opinion.

parent church counselling

Case Presentation

A Christian sister got pregnant and the Church decided to discipline her since she was not married.

When the elders of the Church met and interviewed her, she told them that she has stayed and remained in the Church for several years and no one is marrying her and she is approaching the age of menopause where she can't get pregnant even if she married.

So after reading some Christian medical journals on these issues, she decided and did artificial insemination since she wants a child too. She tendered both the medical journals and the medical documents that showed that she has done the artificial insemination from a reputable hospital.

The Sister is pregnant without committing fornication nor adultery with any man. NOW, COULD THIS BE A SIN?

Kindly give your reasons for your answer and if possible back it up with Scripture, so that we can learn.

Question from social media chat.

Is This a Sin?

Suspicious Inadequate Details

My immediate reaction to this incomplete presentation is that this did not happen in a church, that is, the assembly of God’s children. It is composed from the mind of someone who is not familiar with the principles of church leadership and the manner in which love works in a Christian assembly. It is most likely from someone who lacks the knowledge of the truth in the relationship between science and church management. For example, Jacob is credited with the invention of an animal husbandry technique of hybridization (Genesis 30:25-43).

In addition, did the church not attempt to punish Mary the mother of Jesus Christ in similar circumstances? In other words, this hypothetical case presentation appears presumptuous and with a suspicious motive. The opening line bears that out, “A Christian sister got pregnant and the Church decided to discipline her since she was not married.” No church leadership group operates that way.

Offense Versus Sin

A statement such as, “So after reading some Christian medical journals on these issues, she decided and did artificial insemination since she wants a child too. She tendered both the medical journals and the medical documents that showed that she has done the artificial insemination from a reputable hospital” suggests innocence on her part. Really, is she free of guilt?


Yet, guilt may not mean sin. First of all, sin is against God (Romans 6:23; 1 John 3:4). The job of the elders is to move congregants away from possibly sinning against God. They may have laws governing the morals and expectations of members but they do not punish sins. They may impose punishment of various kinds on errant members but that is not punishing sin. Therefore, the premise of the original question is wrong as it connotes an unfair panel of elders determined to punish an innocent member who was being sincere.

There is no indication that the church had laws against artificial insemination. In other words, on what basis will be she punished? God is the Creator of all of these scientific techniques and there is nowhere in the written documentation called the Bible that claims that artificial insemination is against godly laws. Therefore, to allege that she has sinned against God may be preposterous. We must allow God to be the judge of that.

Science is an invention of the church, specifically, the Catholic Church. We have allowed manipulation of the scientific method to be used by agents of the spirit of the antiChrist to confuse us into believing that the rather conservative religious morality and guiding church principles debar progressive thinking. This is the case with the way the debate on creation versus evolution has been managed. One must be careful about such motives in analyzing the issues posed by this question.

The elders may have a right to be concerned that she would take such a step without counseling. The church may know that she is unmarried but have the elders been asked about her concerns and determination for motherhood. Did her pastor pray for her before she went under anesthesia? Since, the questioner missed out these crucial steps, one is left to assume that she meant to embarrass church as a deliberate decision. She may be disciplined for jumping these steps, and that will not be unfair.

The congregation has every reason to be embarrassed and to begin to question the pastor and the elders for allowing such potential moral irregularity to pass unchallenged because it indicates an approval of the church for members to embark in unguided behavior (2 Peter 2:2). Members may start withdrawing from the church because of the shame if the truth is not properly explained to them.

Therefore, she definitely crossed the line of communal responsibility and social ethics. This is a man-against-man offense rather than a sin against God. She deserves being disciplined for correction and to guide others.

About The Baby

elders have duty to God

The Sister is pregnant without committing fornication nor adultery with any man.” This is a rather suspicious angle to come from. What if she was raped, would that be her fault as well or a sin against God or society. The truth is that she has taken matters into her own hands and violated the christian principles of bringing a baby to life without a father. Even our Lord, Jesus Christ, had a father figure (Joseph) to nurture him. By her action, she has denied the baby a father. She may be guilty of adultery or fornication but she is guilty of selfishness and lack of consideration for the baby in her womb (Luke 9:24; 1 Corinthians 10:23-24; Philippians 2:3-4;).

And it is not a mistake but a deliberate wickedness. That deserves discipline.

The church may be seen to support single parenthood because they must provide an environment of social support that brings the best out of the parent and the child. It is not considered the best but a duty to restore humanity through love.

Who Is Throwing A Stone?

A statement such as, “NOW, COULD THIS BE A SIN?” is mean and suspiciously devilish. Who is apportioning blame and sticking the label of sin, anyway? Is the agenda an instigation against the Church of God or against the elders assigned to manage it (2 Peter 2). My handicap in answering this misguided question is based on the fact that we don’t even know who is asking the question and his standing in faith.

Based on the information that we have sin and offenses have been committed. Artificial insemination per se may not be a sin depending on who is getting it but the steps to obtaining it by this church girl shows arrogant disregard of godly authority, her disrespect for the authorities including lack of consideration for her fellow church members.

Go Back To The Basics

The Church Has Protocol

single parent

The above may sound heavy but this is how it should go in most Christian assemblies. On the surface, a lady desiring marriage in order to have children apparently expresses the essential purpose of God’s creation. However, that men reject her in her assembly and nearby assemblies is suggestive of moral challenges in my opinion. More importantly, with whom did she discuss her worries and what did the elders have to say? Has the church considered her case impossible to manage?

When she decided to have artificial insemination, did she take spiritual counsel? When matters appear abnormal, the church has a role in appeasing the face of God to obtain direction. Members don't do what they like and come round to dare church authority. That is wrong. In fact, I will discourage you from marrying a church woman for your son because she is obstinate and will disgrace you.

This is what I think.

I pray for the Holy Ghost to reveal His truth in our spirits.

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Evidence of the Supernatural
Documentation of extra-terrestial involvement in human affairs predate the Bilbical records of Moses. Yet, since Moses many strange activities with claims of celestial involvement continues to befuddle mankind. Jesus Christ introduced a bewildering dimension to the mystery which Paul confirms had been planned before creation.

Essentially, the revelation of the Holy Spirit was to confirm the permanent domicile of God in man in the last days. This is the enigma that we continue to contend with and educate ourselves about in this column. Things continue to happen in our world that we cannot explain. The events of the Pentecost confirms the influence of extra-terestial energy that produce physical manisfestations.