Christianity: A Mystery of Fateful Junctions
It is unbelievable how half-truths are peddled around to distract men from breaking the barriers of faith into the reality of the power inherent in the cross of Jesus Christ. Holy Ghost is some power in totality that supersedes clippings in clairvoyance, astrology, or other magical distractions. Yet, the key to acquiring the ultimate power to improve the lives of others lies in simple submission to the supremacy of God and the purpose of the shedding of the blood of the innocent as final sacrifice for the redemption of men back to grace.
Evangelism or selling. Marketing communications can be fun. My winning instincts were jerked up as this guy who I was targeting to talk to about Jesus Christ jumped ahead of me with his wonderful line about needing a wife. That introduction quickly dovetailed into his probably practiced line about zodiac mythology.
Luckily, I got my leeway to open up original intention of telling him about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. The funny outcome was that he never thought about Christianity in that way before. And honestly, it was the first time that I realized that Christianity presented one with so many fate-defining junctions, in fact, that life was all about these junctions that one must cross to make progress.
I don’t know whether frustration at the irresistible beautiful Jehovah Witness lady that was setting up her stand next to us or his need for a wife or decision to make me look away from the evangelist so that can sell his psychic business to me. In any case, we got into talking about the relevance of Zodiac signs when he asked me what mine was. I pretend that I did not know because I do not dwell in those realms. He got into working out what mine should be and why that makes our interaction friendly. I pretended curiosity just to improve the familiarity. After all, I have been planning to chat with him about the love of Christ as he was glaring at the lady.
As we talked, I realized that his knowledge of the Zodiac signs and symbols was beyond that of someone who merely curious or even religious about it because it held a fascination. He was ready to give me cards of potential psychics who could help me sort out certain more details. It was obvious from experimentation with dating that all was not what they pretend to look like, and truth comes out from deeper introspection. You could see from his unwavering glare at this lady, that he simply wished that this was the one. His wife sent from God. I could also sense that his business sense told him that losing me was not going to be a good idea either.
Naturally, he was shocked when I told him that the Adam and Eve story was true. That God actually has a perfect spouse for everyone using examples from my own life’s searches. Secondly, that God is not totally opposed to us using the creatures around us to get what we want as long as we respect the role of the Creator. Then, I reminded him that the Magi from the East followed the star that identified Jesus Christ for months until they got to Bethlehem. The witch of Endor was recommended to the king because she was an excellent and experienced psychic. We must remember that Saul was a prophet and recognized the signs of genuine interaction with the celestial. In fact, it was the absence of true celestial response that drove him into finding Samuel by any means.
The knowledge exists but they are simply tools for the curious. Therefore, trying to preview everyone that you meet through the narrow lens of the constellations was not exactly smart. Life moves on, while the elements do their thing. I made him realize that the Disney’s movie Frozen makes a great attempt at supporting my perspective by showing how the various elements interact and can be modified by the decisions of men. Therefore, when a woman agrees to date you, and you continue to garner information on her personal opinions, her food types, her dress types and colors to determine if you will be a life fit, you are pushing it too far because those constellations can be manipulated by other developments.
Which left him with only one choice, submission to the call of God through the Spirit dwelling inside of him. That spirit when listened to provides guidance that is beyond what he can learn from externalities that require too much effort to understand. The first conclusion that everyone must grasp is that the Creator is full of mysteries. These mysteries are too many, complexly interwoven and too complicated to unravel. Hence, many preachers and many faiths and belief systems, yet one Creator. Human judgement will not take anyone too far. Only faith in the guidance of the Holy Spirit does.
Junctions in the Born-Again Cross
There is the argument that your choice to watch an episode from the movie, The Chosen versus watching on UFOs relates to one’s innate search for identity.
The person who chooses to watch The Chosen is likely to be more bothered about resolving issues around faith. For example, why would a man sacrificed by his own people own the connection to my post-terrestrial existence if there is anything like that. The one interested UFOs may sound dismissive of such concepts but subconsciously may be wondering what life is about, and if there is life after death. Bottom line is that life has presented us with so many mysteries whose list continues to expand as men engage in solving them. Coming nearer home from such extreme arguments is the question about why Christians bother to counter the lordship of Satan on earth if the Bible says so. These kinds of arguments lead one to eventually ask why was Jesus born? The prophecies do not match the reality.
The hanging of Jesus on the cross in Calvary was not the first nor the last of such barbaric savagery of his tribe. Yet, it remains the junction that brings many cross points to prominence as men struggle with contentions, controversies and contradictions when confronting solutions to humanity (Matthew 27:52). No doubt, a strange child was born in a sheep’s manger in Bethlehem more than 2,000 years ago. It was chronicled in the king’s manual. The masters of cosmic science both foreign and domestic confirmed that strange movements in the constellations proved that a strange powerful man was born that season. There were studies and speculations as he grew up and ministered. However, centuries after his death, new theories continue to be processed about the relevance of His coming into our world. His birth remains a cross point for human understanding of personal identity and relevance because since he departed He continues to be the only contentious man ever born that interjects the destinies of men in every land of the world. Especially, as we are told to expect His return in magnificent splendor.
His crucifixion also brings to like the mysterious junction of altars – another cross point. For men who come to the reality of grace and accept the mystery of faith, the cross at Calvary represents the alter of redemption on which God sits. An altar is defined as a place, platform of system where the celestial realm makes contact with the physical realm on legal grounds (Luke 1:11).
I do believe that one of the mysteries of ‘the breath’ is the injection of the Spirit of God into man (Genesis 2:7; Ezekiel 37:9-10; 1 John 4:13). We should recall that with the breath comes life, that is, motion which is the most common primary evidence of life. The spirit in us recognizing the celestial help or intervention in the affairs of men caused us to erect altars in appreciation and points of contact for remembrance and offers of gratitude to God. Hence, the cross represents the ultimate altar connecting all of these altars of sacrifice and contact with God because that is where a turnaround to holy living comes for man. In the past, only priests and prophets interacted on altars on behalf of people, today everyone has direct access to God through the cross, the mercy seat of redemption (Hebrews 4:16).
Hence, in every flesh has always been the spirit, in fact The Spirit of God (1 John 4:13-14). A reality magnified in Ezekiel’s dream but actualized in the New Testament (Acts 2:1-4; Acts 8:4-8). The effectuation of that cross point came with the exit of Jesus Christ at the Transfiguration which is another physical testimony. His remains, just like of Elijah remain elusive until today. But the promise remains fulfilled (he will baptize you with power). Since that time, the ministry of deliverance from evil has crossed over from the pulpit into the hands of every man (Luke 10:19). The remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ reminds us of these cross points to reevaluate the definition of our earthly existence and lifestyle.
Even God Has A Reverse Gear
Students have a problem. They are not allowed to submit to emptiness, that is, a lack of explanation for observed occurrences.
It is the cloak of professors typified by Pharisees and Sadducees in our own sphere. Knowledge is power as the scripture acknowledges, yet in submission to grace is greater control. The real value of knowledge is to gain manipulative control over physical matters while grace gives spiritual insight and oversight to control the physical affairs of man. Faith is evidence of crossing the point of submission and it is the primary prerequisite for acquiring spiritual empowerment. The same realm from which prophets manifest. Yet, the empowerment is only earned on the platter of grace as a gift of submission – the cross point (Romans 10:10).
Research as a study may not appear as a sin based on the need to acquire knowledge but as Paul demonstrated it only helps to explain the observations rather than empower to create events. It is the Spirit than empowers change in any direction. To accept this concept is to approach the realm of faith and to engage God in His reverse gear from potential destruction to a life that is fulfilled both physically and spiritually.
If we were to follow the classical W’s of rational thinking, it will probably sound like this:
- Who – Resurrected Christ versus You
- When – remorse or repentant
- What – restoration to grace
- Why – redemption from ungodliness
- How – remission of sins
- Where – repentant heart
The reverse gear is engaged when men recognize Almightiness of a Holy God who controls the affairs of men and confers sonship to all who approach Him with a repentant heart eager to move on with a life of purity and holiness on earth as they become empowered for dominion (John 3: 14-17).
The Unveiling of Belief Is Power
The faith junction is a barrier. It appears seamless to transform from one state to the other, yet always there appears to be psychological and emotional challenges to giving up one’s freedom of choice to some intangible God by relying on the say so of another man.
The uncertainty the reliability and outcomes of such crossover is always challenging. Unfortunately, the key to crossing over or opening the door to sonship of God remains submission to the belief. However, that obstacle must be pulled down or ignored to come to the reality of Christianity.
The scriptures clarify that we need power to become children of God (John 1: 12-13). To illustrate, the fact that attends school and completed all the courses does not imply that one gets a certificate of graduation. In fact, you cannot claim the credentials publicly until someone certifies that you are home and dry. Hence, to come into the realm of God’s sonship and to call oneself a Christian requires the recognition by God which starts with your submission and expression of your faith. Then, you get the ability to profess the sonship of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ (Romans 10:10). The Christian world is a power world.
The power world of Christianity then is up to you for exploration. The power to love on somebody and through the manifestation of the Holy Ghost bring them to the reality of their destiny. Armed with your faith you begin to discover and to perform exploits (Daniel 11:32; Mark 16:14-18). Even the apostles needed to cross the barrier of unbelief for the gospel to reach out to the entire world in the manner that we have it today.
Essentially, there are about three power levels in Christianity that faith unravels their reality. There is the power to collect your identity card as you become a child of God. Then, there is the power to begin to manifest such as making deadly poison ineffective or speaking in tongues, and there is also the power to share the gospel as witness to the truth and power of God for others who accept the redeeming grace of sacrifice on the cross of Calvary (Mark 16:14-18; Acts 8:5-8).
Jesus Christ began the process of transitioning power to His disciples by pointing to them that the key lies in their faith. In other words, if only they believed, the manifestations of power that appear to marvel today will be minor compared to the performance that they will produce (John 14: 11-12). And we saw the irrefutable practical demonstrations even among those who had no direct dealings with Christ but only heard about him and believed in him (Acts 8: 5-8; Acts 13:44).
What Jesus Christ did, what the disciples did and what evangelists are doing today are documented manifestations rather fiction. They are real and they are predicated on the simple word – believe. This the crossover junction to faith, faith brings performance. It helps align with good men capable of building your muscles in apprehending the blessings of the covenant (Proverbs 2:20)
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