The Place of The Holy Ghost Power In Sharing Christ’s Gospel - Part 2
Acquire Holy Ghost Power
For example, the missionary and the evangelist have the same purpose which is to win souls to the kingdom of God through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. While the missionary will appear to be docile and living a normal life within his/her community of assignment, the evangelist will likely jump in, preach a few sermons, make a lot of noise for a week or two and leave town.
Both workers of the gospel deploy different methods under the anointing of the Holy Spirit to achieve the same goal. Yet, both understand that they were sent and require more than wisdom but the inherent power of the Holy Ghost to produce results. That power must be indwelling in you if you must succeed.
When Saul became transformed and started to prophesy people noticed the difference (1 Samuel 9-10). He was physically the same man, but something had changed about him such that it could not be ignored. Elisha was already a prophet, in fact, ordained by God to replace Elijah. He was following Elijah about just before the Elijah’s translation because he had the revelation that Elijah could disappear anytime. A situation confirmed by the other prophets who were monitoring the events. Yet, when the mantle fell on him, he became something totally different. Succeeding the chariot of Israel became less of a challenge for him. His status changed.
In the New Testament, Paul was a highly regarded trained Rabbi. He was able to tell us about the differences between classroom training and Holy Ghost preparation (Acts 9). There was something in Ananias that communicated with the spirit of Paul to make their meeting productive called the Holy Spirit. To the contrary, the same power was working in Peter and John, who were illiterates to the extent that it befuddled the educated elites (Acts 4).
Evangelist Phillip may have been leading prayers and producing results in Jerusalem, but he was not recorded among the remarkable of the time. Yet, the Holy Ghost confirmed him for the leadership of women supervision (Acts 6). However, the moment he entered Samaria, the effusion of the Holy Ghost manifestation among the Gentiles was so much that Peter had to come and check what was going on (Acts 8). He had it in him, power of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit produces mysterious manifestation in support of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Hence, it becomes important for us all to be loaded in it before hitting the preaching train.

There is no other way to acquire power than by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. However, to unleash that power to manifest the potency of the supernatural is inherent in the study and ministry of the word of God, that is, the scriptures as contained in the Bible (Acts 6:4). As your intensity increases so does the Holy Ghost continually exposes the hidden mysteries of God to you, and you acquire the knowledge, wisdom, and power to manage the celestial. Holy Spirit teaches us and decodes the mystery of Godly existence (1 Corinthians 12). The Holy Spirit has all knowledge. He has probing eyes. He can probe into you and probe into others and reveal His findings to you. He makes people holy. The Holy Spirit gives new life (John 6:63).
The Holy Spirit does not speak of Himself, He only talks about Jesus and The Father – John 16:13. You must understand what it is all about. And as you engage in the study of the scriptures you gain the understanding to unleash His power to win souls. This acquisition of power has work to do for God. You must be sent. The power gives you the management skills for the bridges that you are trying to erect. That is your battery charger if must use power to motivate people to salvation – the knowledge of the purposes of The Holy Spirit.
Characteristics of The Spoken Word
Our primary assignment is to locate God’s word or instruction in every situation because once it is spoken in faith, the matter is settled (Isaiah 55:10-11).
Our job is to identify His command regarding a situation as The Psalmist testified in Psalm 119:86-96. Every word that comes out of the mouth God does so with authority and with power. God uses us to deliver these words of salvation and restoration (Psalm 138:2; Romans 10:10). And He monitors them to fruition (Jeremiah 1:12). His word creates such energies that make the sick jump up and the lame runs out of wheelchairs. His word cuts like a sword and tears fear and enemies apart (Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12).
The spoken word of God is alive, it is a fire that consumes, and it shatters walls (1 Kings 18; 2 Kings 1; Jeremiah 23:29; Psalm 62:11; Hebrews 12:29). The same word of God remains pro-creative, and it is life (Genesis 1; Psalm 33:6; John 6:63). Therefore, we must use it in all these dimensions to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our speaking these words are backed by the Holy Spirit to effect the physical changes that we desire. This gives the gospel the ability to cancel out all spells as we saw Jesus do encourages people to accept the message of salvation and redemption (Romans 1:16; Acts 13:44).

The Place of The Holy Ghost Power In Sharing Christ’s Gospel is a three-part series that gives you room to absorb and meditate on the concepts discussed in the various parts. We also anticipate many comments and contributions which hopefully may find answers added to each section of the discussion thereby expanding the content. These guide our decision to split this message into three. Please feel free to contribute as we all learn about the all-pervading fire power, The Holy Ghost that announces and proves the gift of salvation embedded in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to the whole world. This is Part 2.
Part 1 - Get Understanding | Part 2 - Acquire Power | Part 3 - Manifest Power |
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Get Holy Ghost Power
The Holy Ghost
Evidence of the Supernatural
Documentation of extra-terrestial involvement in human affairs predate the Bilbical records of Moses. Yet, since Moses many strange activities with claims of celestial involvement continues to befuddle mankind. Jesus Christ introduced a bewildering dimension to the mystery which Paul confirms had been planned before creation.
Essentially, the revelation of the Holy Spirit was to confirm the permanent domicile of God in man in the last days. This is the enigma that we continue to contend with and educate ourselves about in this column. Things continue to happen in our world that we cannot explain. The events of the Pentecost confirms the influence of extra-terestial energy that produce physical manisfestations.
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