The Place of The Holy Ghost Power In Sharing Christ’s Gospel - Part 3
Love on Somebody – Manifest Power
Activate The Spoken Word
“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it” (Isaiah 55:11, NLT).
The sent word of God – that has been our message. When you become the bearer of the sent word of God, you carry power. To move mountains, you must speak to situations as the mouth of God (Ezekiel 37:7; 1 Peter 4:11). You don’t stop speaking but you keep speaking until results are manifest in the physical (Ecclesiastes 11:5; Matthew 8:26-27). You cannot stop speaking even if people don’t believe you (2 Kings 7:1-2; Mark 10:47-48)
Making Fruit-bearing Declarations
Words are more potent than the physical energy we witness. God calls Himself, The Word that gives life by displacing darkness in a manner beyond the imagination of darkness (John 1:1-5). However tiny a star may be, its light penetrates the surrounding fog of darkness, hence, we see it. When a man cannot speak due to illness, his light is described a dimming about to pass on. Speaking the word of God into a situation is projecting God’s light – The Holy Spirit into the situation, a power, a light that remains incomprehensible for darkness, evil to challenge. Don’t be after to make productive declarations. We are told that the tongue has the power of death and of life (Proverbs 18:21).
Therefore, we must be careful how we use the tongue. We must engage in using to bless God and His beautiful creatures rather than using our mouths to curse. They are equally potent forces from the spoken word (James 3: 6-9). We can use our mouths to refocus our destinies by placing a demand on the love of our Father (Daniel 10:12). We must engage in declarations that create life or improvement in people’s lives (Job 22:27-28; Ecclesiastes 8:4). Remembering that our words represent Jesus Christ, the compassionate, we must engage in declarations that solve problems for individuals and communities (Exodus 12:25; Mark 11:23). These words replace death with life, replace poverty with prosperity, stimulate speedy answers to prayers, encourage good health in replacement for sickness and creates the aura of protection for God’s children. Make declarations that restore and create all the time.
Triggers For Activating The Spoken Word
The rebirth experience is primary to activating the spoken word. So are prophesy, revealed rhema, knowledge, meditations, communicating with angels, praying man, and faith. We cannot underestimate the significance of the born of the Spirit part in the born-again experience.

The ability to deploy to Spirit of God rests on the understanding that we are activating a Spirit already in us that whose presence we acknowledge. The statements in Isaiah 45:17 and Romans 10:10 carry conditionalities with them. They talk about the need to openly identifying with Jesus Christ in the New dispensation. Therefore, when Jesus was explaining the born-again experience to Nicodemus, Jesus was reminding Nicodemus of the Spirit of God already in-dwelling inside of us and needing activation (John 3:5; 1 John 4:13). The use of that Spirit to change the directions of the flesh creates the salvation experience. Therefore, Jesus was surprised that with all the years of research, the rabbi did not recognize the presence or ability of the Spirit of God in man.
Prophecy is verbalizing the inspiration of God as revealed to us (1 Timothy 1:18; 1 Peter 4:11). You activate the revealed word of God to make someone else’s life better. Even though, the revelations that lead to a prophesy are continuous incidences, they usually follow a certain theme. You may notice that many prophets have been profiled certain themes and sub-themes. In the wider view of their messages, certain themes stand out. It does not mean that they did not function in other perspectives, but certain characteristics followed their messages. This is because there is a certain personal strength that God decides to use to focus the attention of the people to the larger picture or by their timing it was just the way things were or whatsoever made it easier for other men to study them.
However, looking closely you will likely find in the manner of their calling, threads that tell you exactly how God wanted to use them. This is a revealed rhema that guides their ministry. Many of us equally have similar encounters with The Holy Ghost during the sanctification experience or when we are called to ministry. Apostles generally have their ministries laid out on this kind of revelation that forms the major thrust of their ministries (Acts 9:4-6). Commonly, by this level, the man of God is matured enough to capture the sent-word revelation.
It is exactly the similar code that Satan was interested in capturing from Jesus when he went to tempt Him in the wilderness. Satan was interested in understanding exactly what word of God that Jesus will use to take the world from him. That is why he would take Jesus all the way up to show Jesus that he, Satan, had all the world and the glory of the kingdoms under his rule already. And he alone could give it out (Matthew 4; Luke 4). So, Jesus had better respect that. The only way, Jesus could have succumbed was to deliver the code to the mystery to Satan. That is why, even today, Satan still finds the word of God unassailable.
The knowledge of God and His ways are not negotiable if you must deploy the powers of The Holy Ghost (Proverbs 11:9, 12:1; Ephesians 1:17). When you know these things, it becomes easier for declare the revelations that come to you in meditations, dreams, and visions. You can only declare what you understand (Joshua 1:8; Psalms 1:2; 2 Corinthians 3:18).

Communicating in the language of angels (1 Corinthians 14:2). Decoding the mysteries of the celestial includes discussions with the operators of that realm. You must be willing and ready to speak in the language of heaven, speak mysteries in the tongues of angels to engineer transactions that manifest in the physical. You must be ready to pray persistently and consistently to activate the Spirit that powers new manifestations (Daniel 10:2).
But you must believe in the effectiveness of the power of the Holy Ghost. Faith is the opposite of fear. Faith triggers the spoken word (Hebrew 11:6). Fear is a false manifestation appearing real. A mirage masquerading to confuse you when its reality does not exist (Matthew 14:29-31; 1 Timothy 1:7). You can challenge evil with the written word of God (Romans 10:17; Hebrews 3:12).
The Place of The Holy Ghost Power In Sharing Christ’s Gospel is a three-part series that gives you room to absorb and meditate on the concepts discussed in the various parts. We also anticipate many comments and contributions which hopefully may find answers added to each section of the discussion thereby expanding the content. These guide our decision to split this message into three. Please feel free to contribute as we all learn about the all-pervading fire power, The Holy Ghost that announces and proves the gift of salvation embedded in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to the whole world. This is the final part.
Part 1 - Get Understanding | Part 2 - Acquire Power | Part 3 - Manifest Power |
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