Disobedient Christians Don’t Speak In Tongues – Part 1
Rejecting God’s Identity Card
Apostle Paul in his usual revelation of the Holy Ghost to people proudly confirmed his superior ability and gifting to speak in many more tongues than any other member of the Church at Corinth. If the critics were correct and speaking in tongues is barbaric and potentially satanic as originating from God’s scattering of languages in Babel, why would Jesus command it and will the New Testament church emphasize it among born-again Christians. Power is the ability to make things happen or effect a change in status. The evidence of power is the production of results. The physical reportable evidence of the reconnection of the Spirit of God indwelling within is the ability to speak in strange tongues.
God’s Identity Card
Speaking in tongues is a spiritual experience for believers.
The faith aspect must be settled before bothering about the validity and potential gains of speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues is about God speaking in you and through you, hence, the faith junction needs be crossed to understand what may be going on. Essentially, we all have a bit of God inside of us and the so-called babblings are expressions of His presence bubbling through our physical existence (1 Corinthians 14:28; 1 John 4:13). You do not carry the ID card of an organization that you don’t have a relationship with. You only agree to wear your given ID card because the company recognizes you and you agree to represent them. This is the purpose of accepting the ID. That analogy works here as well. You can only accept the spirituality of speaking in tongues if you a Christian – or born-again Christian as some will say.
Therefore, you become a vessel, a spokesman for God that is already resident in you when you speak in tongues (Romans 8:26-28). The perfect one inside of you can get ahead of your intuitions and suspicions and overtake the limitations of your physical bodies and mind grasp to intercede on your behalf for the prevention of evil or promotion of the good that He had captured in the spiritual realm. In other words, by blasting out what the spirit is saying, one is speaking a language that the responsible spiritual actors understand in the circumstances.
Speaking is a physical proof of the spiritual power resident in you (Acts 2:4). The might of God may have revealed Himself with the drama of thundering and rushing wind but the anointing only fell on believers awaiting the release of the promise -The Holy Ghost. This supports the descriptions of Moses, Ezekiel and Jeremiah in their revelations of the spiritual to be more than imaginations but evidence of how God shows up. The documentation of the physical experience is irrefutable because of the number of witnesses. Yet, the manifestations prove the power of the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues as one of the pieces of evidence of God spiritually possessing man for His purpose. That is, speaking in tongues is a proof that the speaker is a child of God and possesses the power of God inside of him.
Confirming our Christianity through the ability to speak in tongue was that we carry the identity to express genuine love (Romans 5:5). Afterall, this is what Christianity is about, expressing God through love. Everyone knows that forgiving others is more easily said than done. It is not easy to let go. However, the Holy Ghost has a to help one with the healing process such that one does not dwell on the hurt for too long. This is what the Holy Ghost does to give us the confidence to claim our Christianity in many dimensions. We acquire the power and the manifestation of the power of the Holy Ghost including speaking in tongues.
Knowing that we are connected directly to God and have the potential to engineer incidences spiritually things give us the confidence to ask for more from God. Hence, we can climb the ladder of spiritual growth and promotion with confidence. To wit, Jesus told the disciples to wait for the Pentecost before jumping out to preach (Acts 2:36-41; Acts 13:44). Once, they became anointed, they were able to make effective witnesses, not just because of the power acquired but also the confidence that they are born-again (Acts 19:1-5).
The ‘Go Ye’ command requires the resource backing which is the power of the Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20; 1 Corinthians 12:7; 2 Corinthians 12:12). Once that is taken care of, one is ready to hit the roads. However, the easiest physical measurement of such readiness is the vocalization of the language of the celestial – speaking in unknown tongues with and the Father. In Acts Chapter 2, we are told that they were assembled with expectation in one place. They were not sure which day the Lord will show up, but they believed and they waited following instructions. When The Comforter arrived, one of the promised signs of conviction was that they spoke what appeared as babble to the speaker but was actually the language of at least of the listeners who had travelled from far or near to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost as usual that year.
Even Peter was taken aback to explain what has happened. I believe that he found it necessary to provide an immediate explanation for what happened before the people started stoning them. This is why he rose to the occasion to preach from recoded scriptures. Putting myself in the shoes of one of the followers that had remained in the faith and got baptized in the Holy Ghost that day, it will be difficult to convince me that the next step forward is not to obey the ‘Go Ye’ command. I will have been bolstered just like Peter was bolstered by the experience. And this is what happens today in the sense that the event of over 2,000 years ago repeats itself over and over again. It gives one the confidence to move on to the stage, essentially getting promoted in the exercise of spiritual prowess (Jude 1:20).
In addition to speaking one of the languages bubbling up in one’s spirit, the scriptures clearly indicate the need to be able to explain what one recently groaned out in so-called babble. That will be evidence of growth, an expression of the Holy Ghost among others that promote the gospel of love.
The way that I imagine it is this. As you were passing through the reception, they handed the mails for people in your department to help share out. One of your colleagues has a foreign sounding name. you can make out the characters but you the whole word is a challenge to put together. You struggle with it a few times before you eventually ask him/her how well you did. On another occasion, maybe their spouses mail came along as well, and you gave that a try again. This time you were better at it because you have been taught how the syllables work together.
It is a similar picture with speaking in tongues. Your subconsciousness is presented with a scroll in a language that it cannot make out. Your spirit helps to demystify the lines of the scroll and what you babble out appears incoherent initially. However, knowing that this is godly, you take godly counsel from Jude 1:20 and you continue to pray for clarity, understanding and ability to interpret the babble to make sense. As you struggle with this, you gain the confidence to manifest other gifts of the Holy Spirit as you advance in the knowledge and presentation if the gospel of God. Essentially, the faith to speak in tongues pave the way to the spiritual promotion requisite to share the gospel of love.
Speaking in tongues is only valuable during our physical existence. It will not be necessary in heaven because we all know who belongs. Tongues is not only about prophecy; it is the result of applying love - the primary teaching and expectation of Jesus Christ. The power of the Holy Ghost produces physical changes in our bodies, and it is these changes are promotional, that is, edifying rather than punishing or bringing people down. As it builds one up, one can help others. Moreover, it is an expectation of Jesus Christ.
Disobedient Christians - Part 1 | Disobedient Christians - Part 2 |
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